It might feel like we have to react in a panic with short-term solutions to the challenges we're all facing, but the truth is that we might be hunkered down for a few months and life is going to keep going after that. So how can we think long-term here? It's totally normal to have a high-intensity quick reaction to a stressful situation like this, but as you feel that subsiding, try to take a longer view of things. What habits do you want to set up for yourself that will keep you engaged with what you care deeply about in life (work, family, school, society)? What kinds of self-care routines did you have (diet, exercise, sleeping, leisure, sense of purpose, sense of community), and how can you adjust these to fit into the current moment? Spend some time thinking about how to fit these into our current situation's restrictions. It might take some problem solving, but you can do it! And remember to stay safe and support others - We can do this!!
Emotion Myth #3
Updated: Apr 15, 2020
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