We all have automatic thoughts that pop into our minds. Sometimes these thoughts can be unhelpful and increase our anxiety or sadness. In these cases, we may be “jumping to conclusions”. For example, you may be thinking “I can’t cope for much longer with social distancing”. In this case, you may be ‘jumping to conclusions’ and increasing your anxiety about your current situation. When you notice thoughts like this surface, it can be helpful to think about how might you counsel a friend if they had this worry and think about evidence for and against this thought. After reflecting on these considerations, try to re-frame the thought – for example, you may shift your thought to: “While social distancing is hard, I know I am doing my part and I will be able to cope moving forward”.
If you want to learn more, click HERE for a worksheet you can use to help apply cognitive reappraisal in your own day-to-day.